
香港outlook服務(wù)器(Outlook 服務(wù)器)

tonyho2023-01-16 20:39:4833

Microsoft Exchange 支持多種服務(wù)器,其中包括香港的 Microsoft Exchange Online 服務(wù)器、Outlook.com 云服務(wù)和 Office 365 集成訂閱。還可以在亞馬遜 Web Services (AWS) 和 Google Cloud Platform (GCP)上使用 Microsoft Exchange Server 運(yùn)行實(shí)例來作為企業(yè)的 cloud-hosted email server 。

Outlook 服務(wù)器

香港outlook服務(wù)器(Outlook 服務(wù)器)

Outlook Server (formerly known as Exchange Server) is a messaging and collaboration platform from Microsoft that runs in the cloud or on-premises. It enables users to access their emails, calendar, contacts, tasks, and notes from almost any device with an internet connection. Outlook server also includes mobile device management capabilities, data loss prevention policies, anti-malware/anti-spam protection and archiving services for compliance purposes.



香港outlook服務(wù)器(Outlook 服務(wù)器)

1. 發(fā)送郵件服務(wù)器(SMTP):smtp-mail.outlook.com

2. 端口:587

3. 是否使用SSL安全連接:是

香港outlook服務(wù)器(Outlook 服務(wù)器)

4. 收信服務(wù)器 (POP3): pop-mail.outlook.com

5. 端口 :995



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