

tonyho2023-01-15 18:02:2535




HKW Company is a global leader in providing innovative technology solutions for various industries. Founded in 2004, the company has grown to become one of the world's leading providers of industrial engineering services and products with offices located in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America. Today HKW offers over 100 engineering services and 250 product lines across multiple industries including aerospace, automotive, chemical processing, mining & metals refining and manufacturing. With expertise ranging from machine automation to advanced robotics development, HKW provides customers with complete turn-key solutions that are tailored to their individual needs.



HKD is the currency code for the Hong Kong Dollar. It is used as the official currency of Hong Kong and it is also one of the most heavily traded currencies in the world. The symbol for HKD is "HK$" or just "$".


芦山县| 平罗县| 白玉县| 田林县| 龙山县| 扶余县| 柞水县| 黎城县| 怀集县| 深州市| 新宁县| 镇原县| 寻甸| 太仓市| 敦煌市| 出国| 吉林市| 池州市| 上犹县| 四会市| 宁国市| 句容市| 黄冈市| 江门市| 永安市| 南雄市| 济宁市| 万宁市| 隆安县| 阿拉善左旗| 伊通| 剑阁县| 高碑店市| 库尔勒市| 商河县| 讷河市| 宁夏| 吉水县| 铁岭县| 伽师县| 益阳市|