

tonyho2023-01-13 08:44:2733




} else if (CommonUtil.isWap(context)) {

uri = Uri.parse(WAP_GATEWAY);

} else {

uri = Uri.parse(INTERNET_GATEWAY);




} catch (Exception e) {




and this is the output:


> 04-01 10:45:39.801 28475 28475 I e.a.OpenPlatform:==========openInternet(Context context)==========

04-01 10:45:39.801 28475 28475 D e.a.OpenPlatform:isMobileDataEnable-->true

04-01 10:45:39.801 28475 28475 D e.a.OpenPlatform:isGprsEnable-->true

04-01 10:45:39.801 28475 28475 D e.a.OpenPlatform:isDataEnable-->true

04-01 10:45:39.801 28475 28475 I e.a.OpenPlatform:**********gateway-->internet**********

04-01 10:45:39.801 28475 28475 E e.a.OpenPlatform:error: android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat= }

04-01 10:45:39.801 28475 28475 W e.a.OpenPlatform:java.lang.RuntimeException: android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat= }

04-01 10:45:39.801 28475 28475 W e.a.OpenPlatform:at com.example.OpenPlatform.openInternet(OpenPlatform.java:44)

04-01 10:45:39.801 28475 28475 W e.a.OpenPlatform:at com

pd hk


Let us now assume that the

transformation is scale invariant. Then,

the transformation matrix can be easily

calculated to be


\mathbf{T} =


1 & 0 & 0 \\

0 & \lambda & 0 \\

0 & 0 & \lambda^2



where $\lambda$ is an arbitrary scale factor.

Finally, we can use this transformation matrix to transform a given vector $\mathbf{x}$ from the original space to the transformed space:


\mathbf{x'} = \mathbf{T} \cdot \mathbf{x}.


This equation allows us to represent the same vector in different spaces.

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